Thursday, September 3, 2009

Joyfully Back in the Kitchen!

This afternoon, I worked my first shift at my new job as a cook! Cooking is one of my passions, and I was overjoyed to be in a professional kitchen, among colleagues who know and love food, after several years. I made frosting for a wedding cake, but had to beat the mixture much, much more, as my employer patiently showed me the proper consistency. Well, now I know!

My sweet husband remarked that I had rosy cheeks when I came home from work this evening; I had to be honest and admit that it was from overheating and dehydration from working in a south Texas kitchen for five hours!

Still, my favorite role is that of wife and homemaker. My highest calling is to care for my husband and our home, and nothing makes me happier! God Bless!

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