Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally Coming Home

I was so pleased to be able to meet with our parish priest for the first time today, for the interview which begins the RCIA process. Our priest is a historian, a fact which makes me even more anxious to begin the process. I love to study the history of the early Church (actually, any area of history captures my attention!). The meeting lasted about an hour, and I was grateful that my husband, who is Catholic, accompanied me; for some reason, I felt terribly nervous.

Nerves aside, I felt blessed and grateful to finally be heading home to the Catholic Church. Mother Church has been calling me for years, and it took some gentle prodding by my husband to finally get me in the door. The beckoning wealth of wisdom and holiness of the Church and her saints held an irresistible attraction. This evening, my heart is resting peacefully in the knowledge that I will one day be able to call myself a member of this Church. Enough wishful thinking, lets get on with it!

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